The puff is the red and white centred bit. The reason why NME have used the colours red and white because the title is in red and white, so it links in to the mast head. The puff is in bold and different colours because it makes it stand out more, and it also catches the audience’s eye. It is the first thing that you look at.
The central image is of the main singer of the band. This is because it relates to the main article of the magazine. The image is very plain, with a black background with a white light at the back. This has been done because it makes it look they are in concert, and it makes him stand out more with a plain background, you eye is focused on him and only him.
The plug is at the top of the magazine, onto of the mast head. This is to do with one of the main items in the magazine. This is done because, when the magazine is in the shelving the readers can see it, and read it. They can decide if the like the band/ what the item is about and if they do then they would pick it up and read more. These are bold, and in yellow/ gold, with a black background, because this makes it stand out and makes it catch the audience’s attention.
In the sweet spot, there is two items, which are included in the magazine. They have used the colours yellow / gold, because it related to the plug, by using the same colours. It stands out because it is on a black background and it is bold. They have used white underneath it, because the white stands out on the black background. This is unusual because normally, they use pictures in these areas, because it catches the audience’s eye more; however I feel this works for this magazine because it gives more information across about the magazine and what’s inside it.
The cover line is on the bottom. They have done it in an usual style because, normally it goes straight across the bottom, whereas on this magazine, they have done it so it goes across half of the bottom, and done it double the thickness. They have used a red background because it stands out with the black background, and used black for the world "plus" because red and black go together and works, while standing out, and they have used white for the contents of it, because it stands out on the red background, and draws your eye towards it. They have used black in between the white, because it makes the white stand out even more and connects to the black of the word plus.
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